Homeschooling with an EFA

The following information is provided as a courtesy to homeschooling families in New Hampshire and is not intended as legal advice.

Homeschooling With an EFA

Until recently, all home education in New Hampshire was governed by RSA 193-A. Currently, there is a second category of homeschoolers under RSA 194:F.

While the New Hampshire Homeschooling Coalition supports all those homeschooling in New Hampshire, we are awaiting better clarification from the Department of Education (DOE) before we offer a summary of our own in regards to those homeschooling with an Educational Freedom Account under RSA 194:F.  If you are homeschooling using an Education Freedom Account, please see RSA 194:F, the Children’s Scholarship Fund, and the Department of Education for more information. 

If you are a traditional homeschooler (without an Educational Freedom Account) you are homeschooling under RSA 193-A and administrative rules Ed 315.  Home education fulfills compulsory attendance (RSA 193:1).  Parents should be aware of their legal rights to access public school programs (193:1-c). Those planning on home education through high school will want to be aware of the process of self-certification of secondary school completion.

On our other Legal Requirements pages, you will find information on homeschooling under RSA 193:A:  homeschooling without an EFA. All information is provided as a courtesy to homeschooling families in New Hampshire and is not intended as legal advice.