The following information is provided as a courtesy to NH families who are home educating under RSA 193-A, and is not intended as legal advice. The New Hampshire Homeschooling Coalition strongly urges all parents and legal guardians to read and thoroughly understand the text of the education law applicable to the program they intend to implement prior to beginning that program.
Notification of Intent to Home Educate
The compulsory attendance law (RSA 193:1) {and by extension, the home education law (RSA 193-A)} applies to children who are six years of age by September 30 of the school year and under 18 years of age.
When you start home educating (under RSA 193:1), you must send in your letter of notification by the time school starts in your district and must notify within 5 days of withdrawing a child from school. If a child is withdrawn from a public school after the school year has started, parents should ensure that officials are aware that the child will be home educated to avoid being charged with truancy. You need to put this in writing and keep a copy.
You may choose to send your letter of notification either to your local district superintendent, a nonpublic school principal, or the Commissioner of Education at the New Hampshire Department of Education (DOE). (More information on what the letter of notification should contain is below). If you previously notified the resident district superintendent and move out of your district, you must notify the original resident district superintendent and notify a new participating agency of your intent to home educate. If you previously notified the Commissioner of Education or a nonpublic school, you must provide contact information and update the notification information as necessary but do not need to resubmit a new letter of notification upon moving.
Many nonpublic schools make themselves available to home educators as participating agencies. A private school does not need to be in your area and cannot request more information than what is required by law (see below). However, they may require a fee.
The letter of notification must include:
- Names, addresses, and dates of birth for all children of compulsory attendance age (6 years of age, by September 30, of the current school year, up to 18 years of age) to be home educated.
- Names and addresses of the parents or guardians.
- The date on which the home education program will begin.
This is a sample letter of notification form provided by the Department of Education. You may also use other templates or your own as long as your letter provides the required information.
You only need to send in a letter of notification once for each student. It will be assumed that you are continuing to home educate each year, and you do not need to notify again unless you change participating agencies or move to another school district.
Acknowledgment of Intent to Home Educate
The participating agency is required to acknowledge your notification of intent to home educate, in writing, within 14 days (assuming it contains the information listed above). We recommend you send the letter via certified mail, return receipt requested, so you have documentation that you submitted the letter and when it was submitted. Some school districts accept letters via email.
This acknowledgment cannot limit the time frame of a home education program. If the letter does indicate any limitation of timeframe, they are required to provide one that does not, upon request. (See Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin.)
It is advisable to keep your letter of acknowledgment from the participating agency (and maybe an extra copy) in a safe place. This letter serves as proof of your notification and is sometimes needed to allow for participation and reduced rates as a home educator in educational events. (Examples: some museums, student matinees.)
Please see our complete Legal Requirements page for comprehensive information on homeschooling under RSA 193:A.