
Some of the evaluators listed here were suggested by homeschooling families; others have submitted their own names to the NHHC. If you decide to use an independent evaluator, contact him/her as early as possible in the year to find out how he/she plans to evaluate your child, what information/documentation you will need to provide, how much the evaluation will cost, etc. Also, it is up to the parent to verify the evaluator’s credentials — be certain the evaluator’s certification (if required) is current.

It’s your responsibility to determine if you and the evaluator are able to work together and share a similar educational philosophy. For example, if your evaluator is only comfortable with home education programs that follow a structured curriculum, and you prefer a more relaxed, hands-on approach, you’ll want to find this out sooner rather than later.

We have posted information about compiling the Homeschool Portfolio and a form that an evaluator can fill in and submit to you, if they so choose. There is also a cover letter for parents to send with the teacher’s portfolio evaluation to the participating agency, if they choose to submit the annual evaluation to the participating agency. This is no longer required by law, but sometimes needed in special circumstances, such as applying for social security survivor’s benefits.

Watch a video of our interview with a portfolio evaluator about year-end assessments for New Hampshire homeschoolers here.

Note: The NHHC does not endorse or promote the views of any individual, group, or organization whose name or contact information is included on this web site. All reference to services provided by or resources available through any individual, group, or organization on this web site is included solely for information purposes. The NHHC reserves the right to remove the name and contact information of any individual, group, or organization with or without cause and without prior notice.

And do let us know if you find that a listing is no longer active; contact webmaster@nhhomeschooling.org.

Online Portfolio Evaluations
Bethany Ruth Barnosky
www.candlestarservices.com/online-hs-evaluationemail brb@candlestarservices.com. New for 2020! All services are now available online, including Calendly scheduling and private Zoom meeting rooms. We have also rolled back to “retro” pricing and doubled down on our commitment to barter. I am a homeschool mom and New Hampshire certified teacher (Mathematics, grades 4-12) who has been evaluating homeschool portfolios since 2003. Please give me a call if you would like to set up an evaluation or have any questions about the assessment process. CandleStar Educational Services provides quality, affordable educational support to families in and around the Monadnock region . . . and the world!

Sandy Drexler, (352) 376-4853, sdrexler604@gmail.com. I work with children in grades K-12, including those with special needs. I have been working as a homeschool evaluator for over 20 years. Evaluations are performed via email. I’m friendly and quick!

K-8 Portfolio Evaluations – Hello all! I am certified K-8, and have been teaching for 8 years. I currently teach at Woodland Heights School. I have been evaluating portfolios for the last two years. I can meet in person and do the evaluation online. I charged $40 for the evaluation, siblings are an additional $25. Madison Kingston – mkingston@laconiaschools.org, (603) 520-3267. (Last updated: August 2023)

Diana M. Paul
, (603) 557-8056 (cell), dipaul85@gmail.com
I am a certified teacher (NH Elementary Education K-6) and have taught Kindergarten, and now at a private school. I am available to travel during the day (by appointment), assess portfolios and observe teaching. Special Interests: Hand-on projects/manipulatives, English and English Literature, Reading, Speech, Writing, Debate and Public Speaking (Toastmasters International member for many years), Creative Writing and Critical Thinking, Science Experience, Out-of-the-Box thinking, and Early Childhood Education. Welcome all types of home education! Would love to discuss your child’s development, curriculum and any other concerns/experiences with homeschooling. Rates: $40 for 1st child, $20 per additional child.

Patricia Jones
, (603)542-4352, nhteacher19b@gmail.com. NH certified teacher with endorsements in elementary education, general special education, and learning disabilities. I have a Masters in Education and over twenty years teaching experience in public and private schools. I am available to do portfolio evaluations, tutor or provide academic assistance, and provide consultation and support to homeschooling families.

Jennie Steinhauser
. I am NH certified grades 5-12. I am completing my 18th year as a homeschooling mother; prior to my homeschooling, I taught for 10 years in the Fairfax (VA) County Public Schools, and 1 year in a private school in Connecticut. My fee is $35 per evaluation, but I am willing to barter time or talents! Please contact me at 226-0739 or jensss@comcast.net.

Steven De Fronzo,
M. Ed.  NH certified Teacher/Guidance Counselor, 30+years teaching experience, past experience includes standardized test administrator and evaluator, home school teacher, all levels, all subjects, available at your request, phone 603-382-1242

Jessicah Seaman
, homeschooling parent and graduate of K-12 home education, with a B.S.in biology and mathematics education, and New Hampshire certified in high school math. Taught high school math and sciences before becoming a full-time homeschooling mom. Evaluations $40 with sibling discount. 603-204-7711 or ajseaman@myfairpoint.net. (Phone contact most reliable)

Lisa Neslusan, I am a former teacher with 14 years of classroom experience in California and New Hampshire, and I now homeschool our own children. I am certified both in New Hampshire and in California, and I hold a Master of Science in Elementary Education. Evaluations are $35 for the first child, and $30 for children in the same family. I meet with families who use structured, eclectic, and unschooling approaches to home education, and I have experience with evaluating students with special needs. I provide evaluations for families in the Dover/Rochester/Somersworth/Seacoast area and surrounding towns. If you do not live in this region, we can meet online. I can be reached at (323) 440-1902 or kvetina7@yahoo.com. You can learn more about me here. (Last updated: August 2023)

lisaneslusan.East Kingston

Michelle Thibaudeau-Johnson, 603-642-5441 mshelltj@yahoo.com.  Homeschooling parent, bachelor’s degree in ECE/Elementary Education, a master’s in MFCC and Art Therapy, taught for 5 years and worked in family literacy, special ed. and Title I programs. I am comfortable with structured and less structured homeschooling philosophies as well as unschooling and am open to doing evaluations for children in NH, MA and for those with special needs. Portfolio evaluation with basic form acknowledging the child made progress commensurate with age and ability – $40, or with narrative letter detailing examples of child’s achievements during the year – $50, for first child, with discount for multiple children; fee increase for evaluations scheduled for the last two weeks of June; surcharge for travel over 20 miles.

Sarah Boucher
is a former public school educator of 11 years (five years teaching fifth grade and six years teaching second grade). Certified teacher K-6, Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and Master’s degree in education. Currently a stay at home mom who plans to homeschool. Loves helping students succeed and is also a tutor. Lives in Fremont, but is willing to drive within 30 minutes. $45 for one evaluation, $15 for sibling evaluations. Contact via email sarahboucher82@gmail.com or phone 443-690-4803

Liz Colantuonio
. I am an experienced educator with over twenty five years teaching experience.  I am New Hampshire certified and have endorsements in Elementary Education, Special Needs and Computer Education.  Throughout my career I have worked with students of all ages and subject areas.  I am available for portfolio evaluations as well as academic assistance and consultation support to homeschool families.  For more information, including rates, visit: https://sites.google.com/view/educational-consulting/home  Family discounts available. Email liz.ed.consult@gmail.com.

Alicia Harressey
, 240 Whitehall Rd., 644-3307, aharressey@comcast.net. Certified K-6 teacher, taught First Grade for 10 years, is currently a stay at home mother. Founding parent and current Board of Trustee Member of Mill Falls Elementary Montessori Charter School in Manchester, NH. Fee of $50 per evaluation, discount for siblings.

Catherine DeRosa
, M.S. Ed. (603)578-3491 or (603)620-2601 or crice20@myfairpoint.net. I am certified in Elementary Education, Special Education and Reading, in the states of New York, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I have over 30 years teaching experience from preschool through college, and am a former homeschooler. I am available for portfolio evaluations starting the second week in May, M-F. I am willing to travel. Family discounts are available. I charge $40 for Evaluations.

Marijo Varney
, M.Ed with an emphasis on curriculum and instruction; I am NH certified grades K – 12 with an emphasis on Special education. I offer a wide range of home school consulting services designed to assist the home-schooler at all stages of their educational career. Support is available in many areas including but not limited to: making accommodations, modifications, and curriculum development for special needs, guidance through state requirements, end of the year portfolio assessments, assist parents with lesson planning and record keeping, as well as placement assessments to determine what academic level is appropriate for your child. Portfolio assessments for the homeschool community are offered as a means of evaluating your child’s end of the year progress. Also offered are informal math, reading and writing assessments. Formal evaluations are available upon request. I am a former homeschooling parent who has worked with several school districts, organizations and within the homeschool community since 1998. End of year evaluations are $40 each with discounts being offered to families of more than three children. mjvarney@yahoo.com.

Lakes Region
Angela Gilman
, Laconia, NH, 603-387-0708, mrsagilman@yahoo.com
Certified Teacher K-8, Masters in Curriculum and Teaching, Taught in public school for 6 years, $40 per evaluation.

Eileen Horner
, 14 Elm Street, Windsor, VT 05089, 802-674-6635, cell 802-683-7393, emhorner1@hotmail.com. Masters in elementary education. NH certification in elementary education. Vermont Educator’s License, Grades K-6. Homeschooler in NH and VT (5 children) for ten years. Now teaches at Mid Vermont Christian School, Quechee, VT. K-6 evaluations, $40 first child, $30 for each additional child from the same family. Travel beyond 20 miles charged at $0.20 per mile.

Nancy Malynowski, retired teacher with 30 years experience, as both a classroom teacher and Reading & Writing Specialist. MA in Curriculum & Instruction, and NH certifications in Elementary Education, Reading & Writing, and Administration. Evaluations $50, discount for additional siblings. For more information, please call (603)668-4389 or email nlmalynowski@comcast.net

Christine Greenwood
— Master’s degree in Education and a certified teacher in K-8 elementary and 5-12 social studies. I am located in Mason but will travel to surrounding towns including Brookline, New Ipswich, Greenville, Milford, and Wilton. Please contact me at mrschristinegreenwood@gmail.com

Kira Brewster
, M.Ed, available for portfolio evaluations. I am a NH certified teacher with a B.S. degree in Elementary Education and General Special Education, Master of Education degree with an emphasis on Literacy and Curriculum, and have been teaching for almost 20 years. I have worked with children with a variety of special needs, as well as the gifted and talented. Please contact me at tutorinnh@yahoo.com or 603-315-1154 and check my website www.nhnextstep.com. Please call for pricing. Subject to additional charges for travel.

Andrea Levesque
, cinamonrose@gmail.com 603-781-8161
I am available to do evaluations after 4pm and by appointment only. Email or call for availability, email preferred. $40 per evaluation.

Michael Conley
, Ed.D. has been evaluating homeschooling programs for 10 years. He can review your materials quickly or spend time with you and your child to understand your goals and perhaps offer suggestions and resources. Sliding scale. Call 603-249-9560 or email him at Michael@michaelconley.net.

New Boston
Karina Bertrand
. I homeschool two children (a girl and a boy) and have a NH teacher certification in Music Education, grades K-12. I have had experience evaluating portfolios for ages 17 and under. I am a relaxed, eclectic homeschooler myself and have an appreciation for the varied learning styles and curriculum used (or not used) in homeschooling. Each child is unique and develops at their own pace. I am happy to discuss your child’s development, education, curriculum, or the joys and concerns of being a homeschooling parent anytime. I also provide homeschool enrichment classes and tutoring. The evaluation is $30 for each child. Please call 487-2102 or email karina.bertrand@gmail.com.

New Durham
Gayle Hardy
, 859-3305. A licensed Elementary Educator for over 20 years, with experience in early literacy instruction, Reading Recovery Techniques, and continuing,intense literacy instruction up through middle school. Experienced in: providing early math instruction in a variety of methods to reach many learning styles, Waldorf curriculum, and in integrating all subject areas into meaningful curriculum. I tutor in my home or yours, and have experience working with typical learners, children with Downs Syndrome and those on the Autism spectrum. Evaluations and help throughout the year available.

North Hampton
Karen Garbenis
, 603-793-9893, PO Box 147, kgarbenis@yahoo.com. Available to tutor, perform informal assessments including portfolios, and to assist with curriculum design. Certified in general and special education and will work with families to adapt education plans to learning differences.


Brenda Lush, 539-5603,crookedpinefarm@hotmail.com. Homeschooling parent certified in general special ed (K-12) and biology.

Christina (Tina) DiBona
, 603-765-8378, MORKIDS4US@aol.com
I am certified to provide evaluations in NH. I am a relaxed homeschooler and am open to all methods of home education. I will be happy to provide a typed evaluation for your children in grades one through twelfth. Please call for rates and appointments. Family discounts are available.

Katie Webster, M.Ed. katie03076@yahoo.com, 603-635-2086
I’m a NH certified teacher, with 10 years experience home schooling my (4) children, experience teaching group classes to home schooled kids, and am open to a wide variety of learning methods and styles.  I also have several years experience as an SAT / ACT tutor.  Willing to meet in Pelham or Windham. $40 / evaluation + $15 additional child. Also open to creative bartering arrangements.

Pete Mehegan
, 485-2166, tbeachhead@netzero.net. Homeschooling father of seven children; NH certification. Currently certified teaching in the public school system (high school French), willing to do evaluations in the Manchester/Concord area.

Bethany Ruth Barnosky, 251 Carley Road, 603-924-0130, www.candlestarservices.com , email brb@candlestarservices.com.  I am a homeschool mom and New Hampshire certified teacher (Mathematics, grades 4-12) who has been evaluating homeschool portfolios since 2003. I assist homeschoolers in the creation of high school transcripts, teach some local classes, help with curriculum challenges, and tutor students (and parents!) in various subjects—especially math and science. Please give me a call if you would like to set up an evaluation or have any questions about the assessment process. CandleStar Educational Services provides quality, affordable educational support to families in and around the Monadnock region . . . and the world!  [Please note: All services are now available online, including Calendly scheduling and private Zoom meeting rooms We have also rolled back to “retro” pricing and doubled down on our commitment to barter. www.candlestarservices.com/online-hs-evaluation]

Portsmouth, Dover, Hampton Seacoast Area
Carole Hartley
. Challenge Your Child has certified teachers who are experienced home school program evaluators. Contact Carole Hartley, BA, MA at 603-430-0256 or 603-502-6582 to schedule.

Seacoast Area
Alexandra Lockwood. I hold a NH teaching certificate in elementary education and certification as a reading and writing specialist. Please contact me at j.pilar at comcast.net (please put together the email address to send mail) or 973-2106. $40/hour. Availability during weekends and evenings (except in summers).

Heidi Lewis is a former homeschool mom who is now a Dyslexia Specialist, Elementary Educator, and Special Educator. I have an office in Rochester and am a reading tutor using the Orton Gillingham Approach and I am available for homeschool consultation, particularly to help families with students who struggle to learn. I also provide in-person or online portfolio evaluations. Find out more about me and my services at heidilewislearning.com or email me at heidilewislearning@gmail.com.

Indra Edmonds
, 666-7873, indraedmonds@gmail.com
NH Certified & Highly Qualified Teacher, M.Ed. grades K-8, former homeschooling mom of two, now classroom teacher in Rochester.

Jess Bucknam
, 772-2075, jessbucknam@comcast.net. I am certified in both elementary education (M.Ed) and as a reading specialist. I taught for 8 years in Rockport, MA and also have a great deal of tutoring experience. I have written homeschool evaluations for the past several years. I would be happy to do portfolio evaluations (K-5) and am most comfortable with a traditional curriculum. I am also available to perform Informal reading assessments (QRI-4 and John’s Basic Reading Inventories). Evaluations $40, Tutoring $35/hour, Testing upon request.

Camden, ME and online evaluations
Laurie Wolfrum
(207) 975-2953, alohabun@yahoo.com. My four children were always unschooled for many years and I’ve attended, organized, hosted and presented at various unschooling conferences. I have experience with special needs and kids choosing to try school. I have teacher certification in New Jersey, Maine and Hawaii and a BA in Psychology. I also have taught ballet, barre and pointe for all ages. I’ve been doing homeschool evaluations in Maine since 2008 and in NH since about 2010. My fee is $40.00 for one evaluation and $30.00 for siblings. I’d be happy to do your family’s review by Skype, FaceTime, snail mail, email or possibly in person if you are willing to travel or meet at a convenient location. You are welcome to check out my homeschool blog for ideas and resources: Maine Homeschooling Resources and Ideas

Gray, ME
Shirley M.R. Minster
, MS.Ed. Home Education & Family Services/Royal Academy, http://www.royalacademyeducation.com/, 15 Shaker Road, Gray, ME 04039, 207-657-2800, 207-657-2880, Fax: 207-657-2404, Email: RoyalA@securespeed.net. Portfolio reviews and testing services.

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